A new documentary titled Dark Side of Glory: Death in the Heartlands has premiered on Showmax, shedding light on the tragic life and untimely death of world record-breaking athlete Agnes Tirop. Produced by CMG Productions and directed by Arianna Perretta, the documentary delves into the murders of three Kenyan female athletes in 2021: Agnes Tirop, Edith Muthoni, and Damaris Muthee.
Agnes Tirop was found dead on October 13th, 2021, just a month after setting a new world record at the Road to Records race in Germany. Her death, just days before her 26th birthday, shocked the nation. Her husband, Ibrahim Rotich, is currently on trial as the prime suspect in her murder.
The documentary reveals that Tirop was stabbed three times in the neck, with a large scar on her head, and a kitchen knife was found at the crime scene. The police describe the chilling details of the case, highlighting the brutal nature of her death.
The film also covers the deaths of other athletes, including Edith Muthoni, who was killed by her husband following a domestic dispute, and Damaris Muthee, whose body was found strangled in her home. In all three cases, the suspects were their partners, showcasing a disturbing pattern of violence against female athletes.
Interviewees in the documentary, including police officers, family members, friends, and fellow athletes, paint a picture of Tirop's life as one filled with turmoil despite her success on the track. Her marriage to Rotich, whom she met when she was just 14, was marked by control and isolation. Tirop's family and friends describe Rotich as a controlling figure who isolated her from loved ones, restricting her movements and even sharing the same phone to monitor her communications.
Tirop's sister, Eve, and neighbors recount how the athlete was rarely allowed to socialize and lived a life of virtual imprisonment. The documentary also reveals that Tirop's marriage was kept secret from her family, who were not invited to the wedding.
On the day of her death, Tirop had recently reconciled with Rotich after months of separation following an alleged assault. Her lifeless body was found in the home they shared, a tragic end to a life marked by both glory and despair.
Rotich was arrested five days after Tirop's death in Mombasa and was charged with her murder in November 2021. He was released on bail in November 2023 after two years in custody, but the trial continues.
Dark Side of Glory is a stark reminder of the hidden struggles faced by even the most celebrated athletes and the tragic consequences of domestic violence. The documentary offers a sobering look at the price of success and the often-overlooked dangers lurking behind the scenes of fame