A new reality series titled "Nai-Rich" is set to hit Showmax, featuring popular Kenyan celebrities Amber Ray, Risper Faith, and musician KRG The Don. This series will take viewers behind the scenes of the glamorous lives of five well-known personalities as they navigate fame, family, and business in Nairobi.
The show's producer, Sammy Dee, shared that "Nai-Rich" aims to showcase the unique culture and vibrant lifestyles of Nairobi's elites. The series will highlight the challenges and triumphs these celebrities face while pursuing their luxurious lives. Among the stars featured are Phoina Wambui, a well-known celebrity hair and makeup artist, and KRG The Don, a businessman and entertainer who often flaunts his love for the finer things in life.
Amber Ray will also share insights into her relationship with businessman Ken Rapudo, adding a personal touch to the show. Risper Faith, known for her outspoken views on relationships and wealth, will also be part of the series.
"Nai-Rich" promises to be an engaging watch, offering a glimpse into the real lives of some of Kenya's most talked-about celebrities, far beyond the polished images seen on social media