Local TV series 'Becky,' known for its engaging storyline and talented cast, is coming to an end after nearly a year. The show, which centers on a royal family and follows Becky, a young maid in her baby daddy's house, has been a significant hit.
Produced by Jiffy Pictures, the series premiered on July 31, 2023, and has kept viewers captivated with its blend of romance and drama. Despite some criticisms of its storyline being occasionally overstretched, 'Becky' maintained a strong viewership, averaging 8 million daily viewers and peaking at 12.5 million.
As 'Becky' concludes, Jiffy Pictures is set to premiere a new show, 'Neema,' on June 10, 2024. Promising themes of intrigue, betrayal, and uncertainty, 'Neema' features both familiar and new faces, including Fidel Maithya and Hezron Nduati. The new show aims to capture the same loyal audience with its complex and captivating storylines.
'Neema' will air in the prime time slot from Monday to Friday at 7:30 PM, continuing the tradition of engaging Kenyan drama. Follow updates on both 'Becky' and 'Neema' to stay connected with your favorite shows and actors.